Monday, October 22, 2007


Start the day with "How ?" and end the day with "Why ?". That’s how I might run my day years ago. The responsibility I held for my family and my job, makes me shut out my self from outside world. Thinking that other people hands would ruin my detail perfection. When I "wake up " from it, there’s a lot of things I missed, half of them is now being impossible to get from where I stand now, which I could have long time ago. Time is running, and it won’t wait for those whom drawn in a perfect Cinderella dream. Life is short, true, but small mistakes we made is not gonna make the world end so easily. Don’t put so much time on a single impossible door to enter life you want, when you can open the other enter easily – when it’s differences on color.

I found this article (some of you probably had read it before) at Sunday afternoon when doing a reflection massage for my feet with my mom. I know a few friends of mine whom I think still duel with them self in a long self hated drama in their life. The ego they had, kept them away from me to talk about it. So probably they can rescue them self by reading my blog I write today, based from this article I read. There’s an impossible thing to do, but there’s no such a word "to late to try".

Here is a sign of The Perfect Ten :
1. You set the impossible goal.
2. Most often feel low than other people.
3. Get so anxious when others seen not the best of you.
4. Can’t tolerate the mistake.
5. Never want to take the risk.
6. Over criticism to others people.
7. Difficult to make a small decision
8. Having unreasonable fear in result of something if you can’t totally control it with your own way.
9. Often delay a job because you not sure yet , you can do it perfectly.
10. Suffering headache, tens on the neck and shoulder, or your back, and bad insomnia all the time.

Familiar with those sign ? Honey, baby…… You worth a world to say : "IT’S TIME TO BREAK THE CIRCLE !!!!". You want to know How ???

These are the big 5 steps to understand your self :

1. Know your limits
You may dreaming; It’s good to increase your self to achieve something, but try to be realistic to what you can do. Remember, hoping the best result doesn’t mean you had to be extreme to unperfected condition. Deal with the failure as a chance for you learn more.

2. Set your target on ‘Good Enough’
Monica Ramirez Basco (Writer of the book Never Good Enough : Feeling your self From The chains Of Perfectionism) said; "Think of the time and energy you need to be 100%, then ask to your self , was it worthy with the final result. Start to accept that 50% or 75% is good enough. Rather than chasing impossible thing, abandon other opportunity, use your energy to do other things as well.

3. See criticism as a chance for self – improvement
A critic is not a judgment for whole you as individual, it’s more to what you work on. Better to see it as a truth as a tools to self-improvement, than to take it as the night mare failure or the rejection to your self.

4. Ban self – criticism
Perfectionist tends to self- criticism. The negative thoughts make under esteemed them self and feel anxious. Get rid the negative thoughts and change it with the supportive mind.

5. Enjoy the ride
Focus on the joy of the process on your work. Learn everything you get and not valued the success based on the final result only. Congrats your self to even a small success you achieve.

May I add one ? Wheather you religious person or not, God created His creature with it's own flaw, so they make horizontal and vertical relationship with nature and HIM, to realize we need each other to perfection our life together.....together, not single one.

Well…That’s all folks ! I hope it’s open your eyes wide to see your self as a growing individual to patern your future much-much better, than torture your self with psycho lecture of impossibility thoughts, which only drive your crazy and put you away from all the fun thing you can get in your life, even though it mean you had to crawl from beginning again. You self earn for forgiveness, a nice good sleep and wake up in the morning with a bright smiley face. A big hug from me and take care !!

Encrypt from : Indonesian Cosmopolitan Magazine (176 edition)

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